Secondary Schools Team Sailing National & Inter-dominion Championships 2022

Despite the delayed dates from the normal April regatta, this years National Championships is even more packed out than usual, as we are incorporating the Interdominion Championships within the regatta. This prestigious international event has not been contested since NZ travelled to Hobart in 2019 due to travel restrictions so we are coming back with a bang, six of Australia’s best team racing schools are heading our way to compete for the trophy.

The official Notice of Race and the Sailing Instructions for the regatta can be found on our website (www.nzteamsailing.co.nz) or by following the links below:

Notice of Race 2022

Sailing Instructions 2022

The regatta is taking place racing from the 3rd - 7th October and entries are closing on the 11th September, which is just a little over a month away! We have already had entries coming in from a lot of our regular entries.

If you’ve already entered or have already spoken to us about the regatta that’s great, if you haven’t chatted to us about it yet, don’t hesitate and send over an email or get in touch over the phone.

What a fantastic way to start of the season off with a bang and a great opportunity for schools to get training straight out the gate at the start of the season and improve all year while building up to the National Championships in 2023.

If you’ve got any further questions around the regatta or team sailing in general please get in touch with Jamie Catchpole on nztsasecretary@gmail.com